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Was he tempting me by suggesting I sucked him rather than his dog Randle? I had a feeling he was testing me to see what I would do. He had said his ex-girlfriend didn’t do it. Another statement to get me going. He had said she liked taking Randle in that wood. I looked at Randle lying there and wondered if I could. He looked at me with his big eyes. Was he reading my mind? No, I don’t suppose he had any idea what was spinning around in my head. Perhaps I could try it just once. But that was what I said about letting him fuck me and look how that turned out. I was now a more than willing bitch for him.Greg sat looking at me. “If you want to try it go ahead” he said “maybe just stroke his cock like you stroke mine”. I could see he was quite serious. He wanted me to do it. I hesitated but the more I thought about the more I was thinking “why not”. I called Randle over and cuddled him. Running my hands over his back and sides (being careful not to pat his head) I then started rub his. Donna could see her cheeks pull in as she sucked while doing it. Ned reached one hand to her breast and started squeezing it. Mary stopped and pulled off, Different women have different gag reflexes a few dont have any. If you can get all of him in your mouth till his prick actually goes into your throat, thats the best and they really like that but if you gag too much trying to do that, then what I was just doing will get the job done. My gag reflex is sort of in the middle. The first couple of times he touches to top of my throat I gag a little but after that I am able to push thru it and deepthroat him. Youre not rubbing yourself, Honey. Spread your legs and rub your pussy. Donna spread her legs. It was clear that she was wet. Her hand went to her mound. Ned put one hand behind Marys head and gently pulled her back to his crotch. For the next several minutes, Mary concentrated of the blowjob she was giving Ned. Her nose pressed against his pubes and then she came half way back up.
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